Radoslaw Cetra was born in 1974, studied computer science in Bialystok University of Technology and photography in Warsaw School of Photography. Between 2005 and 2011 he worked for Grupa Wydawnicza INFOR. Since 2011, employed as a programmer in BDK.
Freelance photographer since 2006. He took part in key Polish LGBT projects, such as Love Does Not Exclude and Przeciwdzialaj Dyskryminacji. He was in charge of the graphic aspects of (His photos illustrated) the book Queer Warsaw – historical and cultural guide to Warsaw, and were collected in the book Art Pride – gay art from Poland. Between 2008 and 2011, he collaborated with the publishing company Abiekt.pl.
In 2011 his works were shown as a part of the PSA campaign Nie czytasz? Nie ide z Toba do lozka!
His artistic creations are displayed in the LGBT club Lodi Dodi.